Social and healthcare services are provided for three years for immigrants who entered the country as refugees and six months for returnees. After the initial period, immigrants are served by local social and healthcare offices.
Social services for immigrants serve refugees and returnees in Oulu and organise integration services at Höyhtyä, Hanhitie 15.
Social worker’s helpline: Mon–Thu from 10 am to 11 am.
On-duty emergency service is available for clients Mon-Thu. Clients need to sign in between 9.00 to
10.00 am.
Social workers
•044 703 4775
•044 703 4886
•044 703 4867
•044 703 4883
•040 481 3022
•040 657 7963
•044 703 4870
•044 703 4894
•040 661 4217
•040 661 6527
•040 480 5194
•040 480 4428
Home aid
•044 703 4889
•050 347 5745
Health-related information for people moving to Finland
Travel health information, Finland (
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
General information about social protection, family policy and services, social welfare, healthcare
policy, income security and social insurance, insurance, safety at work etc. in Finland.