The idyllic Turkansaari Open Air Museum takes you on a time trip to the past.
The idyllic Turkansaari Open Air Museum takes you on a time trip to the past.
Over 80 years old theatre, with 8 annual premieres and 400 performances per year for an audience of 80 000. The staff of 100 includes approximately 35 artists, 15 set and costume makers, 30 technical employees, 20 people in administration, production team, and marketing.
The museum hosts exhibitions and weekly events ranging from colour baths for babies to workshops, artist meetings, guided tours, and performances
The Kierikki Stone Age Centre takes you back in time thousands of years into the distant past of the North. it is located along the Iijoki River on a Stone Age dwelling site that has been studied since the 1960s. Guests enjoy the archaeological exhibition in the Stone Age village.
HOW TO MAINTAIN CULTURAL FOOD HERITAGE? THERE ARE MANY ETHNIC RESTAURANTS IN OULU. Many refugee´s also consider it fairly easy to maintain their cultural food heritage. Here are some examples of restaurants that represent a certain nationality and it`s cultural foods: Pizzeria da mario, italian. Restaurant el sabor, spanish. Phuket thai takeaway, thai. Hanko sushi, japanese. Hai long, chinese Nagraja oy (Garam masala), indian. Restaurant huvila, french. Restaurant zakuska, russian
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. All these publications reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.