Teachers’ meeting Minutes
2nd – 6th Oct 2019
1. Certificates and Payment cards
The coordinator gives all the certificates and payment cards.
2. Organization of the visit and activities
All the activities have been perfectly designed according to the main goals of this visit. Students have felt at home in their host families and the organizing teachers, together with the management team at the school have made a very professional job regarding the tasks.
3. e-twinning
Finland coordinator will prepare the e-twinning tasks for the following months. We all have to make sure how to use this tool. She suggests that we all log in again once back in our home countries to check everything works
4. Tasks for each country
Here you will find the tasks we were supposed to do after the Oulu visit:
- Dictionary. Words and pictures should be uploaded in our Drive folder of the visit. Denmark coordinator will give format to this document.
- Questionnaires with a brief summary. Students and teachers took part in the google forms questionnaires. Italy coordinator will send us a brief summary of the answers.
- Etwinning, School Education Gateway and Project Results Platform
- Mobile App design. IT teachers in Spain school are developing it. It’s a part of their class program. Since we started classes late in September, they have not been able to work on it. In the next visit, in Italy, we will see what they have so far. For sure, at the end of the school year the app will be ready.
- Mobile App stuff from each country (cultural heritage and administrative management). This must be uploaded to the Drive folder so the IT teacher can get the information and put it in the app.
- Website and social networks. Spain has uploaded pictures and info about the project so far.
Now, these are the tasks of every country after the visit to Holstebro:
Spain: Mobile app, website and social networks.
Finland: Coordinate etwinning, School Education Gateway and Project Results Platform.
DenmarK: Coordinate the refugee dictionary in English and our mother languages, to be uploaded to our app. They will choose the format they consider the most appropriate and then upload it to the Drive folder so that Spain can use the document (Word) for the app.
Italy: Creation of questionnaires for teachers and students and analyze the results. Organization of the last visit.
5. Next visit. Mazara del Vallo, Italy, 25th- 29th March
Spain: 2 teachers (Juan and Marian), 7 students (4 males, 3 females). Flighst: arrive in Palermo 25th at 18.50, departure from Palermo at 12.20
Like we did last time, we have decided to change the topic included in the project, since we have already worked on it indirectly, and we have chosen a new topic to work with in Italy. That would be: SECOND GENERATION IDIOSINCRASY.
1) Students will make a research about how the second generation of refugees/inmigrants deals with their new European Citizenship, in three ways:
a) Cultural/family matters at home
b) New responsibilities as European citizens
c) Adaptation to new idiosyncrasy (climate, religion, party, education, personal relationships, food, etc.)
Students should make a presentation out of it and bring some objects, pictures, they can use songs, dances, to explain it better (5 minutes max. per country)
Some more activities that came to our meetings to possible make in Mazzara:
1) Create their own refugees association which will try to meet the real and still missing needs of refugees/immigrants.
2) Show the mobile application process (Spain will do it, just leave any time in the program between 30-40 minutes).
3) Conclusion activity in groups (no IT) explaining what they have learnt about the other countries in the project. (kind of a cards game asking questions about climate, typical breakfast, typical gestures, body language, stereotypes, etc.) These are some just ideas, Italy will have to think about them and see if they consider them appropriate regarding their final program for the visit.
These are some just ideas, Italy will have to think about them and see if they consider them appropriate regarding their final program for the visit.
6. Difussion of visits. Staff Meeting, workshops, social networks
Coordinators in each country will try and make the diffusion of the visit to Denmark. This part is very important for our National Agencies and also for the final report (official web page of the Project to staff, parents, students, parents and students associations, etc..)
7. Evaluation of the visit
Italy will create the questionnaires and they will be sent to the coordinators as soon as they are ready. By the end of October/beginning of November, questionnaires may be done by students and teachers, and Italian coordinator will make a summary. After that, she will upload it to our Drive folder.
8. Q&A Session. Suggestions
Coordinators of each school will be in charge of filling the Mobility Tool after each visit.