The Art Museum in Holstebro was founded in 1967 by a man named Poul Vad. The art at the museum is primarily Danish modern art or traditional art from Africa, Bali and East Asia. The museum has all this different art to show art as a universe, where art is an expression for tradition and value across time and culture. The museum gets about 20.00 visits every year, making it Holstebro’s most visited museum.

How I enroll at school? You can enroll at school in any time during the school year, for the inscription your family or your community should go at school and do an inscription answer or online in the school site.

EDUCATION: When refugee children or adolescents come, they are helped by giving them school materials and scholarships so that they can complete their studies. This means a basic education that will allow them to progress in the future and help them improve their personal situation and their families´too. In Spain, primary and secondary education are free and compulsory. Pre-school is not compulsory, but since it is also free, all children go to kindergarten.

Over 80 years old theatre, with 8 annual premieres and 400 performances per year for an audience of 80 000. The staff of 100 includes approximately 35 artists, 15 set and costume makers, 30 technical employees, 20 people in administration, production team, and marketing.

EDUCATION OULU Refugees have very variable learning abilities and educational backgrounds. Social workers try to find a suitable education path to each of them in Oulu. All the kids have liability to participate in compulsory education. Even though a kid doesn’t have a residence permit, one must participate in education.

Education in Holstebro For children, there are many different schools to choose from, both public and private. Children can attend kindergarden from age 4 and continue in public ground schools until they are in 9th grade. After 9th grade student’s can attend many local ‘efterskole’ in 10th grade. Efterskole is a boarding school. They have different focus. For example: sports, art, or outdoor. There are many options for further education after 9th-10th grades. These schools have different focus.