Teachers’ meeting Minutes
29th November 2018 – 1st December 2018
1. Certificates and Payment cards.
The coordinators have received the payment cards and the certificates
for teachers and students. Every country has realized the payment in
cash except for Italy, which has made an international bank transfer.
2. Sign official document about Portugal.
This document has been sent to the National Agency of the coordinator
country, that means Spain. It has also been sent to all the participant
3. Organization of the visit and activities.
Everybody is happy about the organization of the activities. If problems
have appeared, they have been solved, bearing in mind the effort of the
organizing country and the host families.
4. E-Twinning
We will need the accounts of each partner, and Finland will create a twin
space. Once this is done, we will upload everything we have created and
we can organize activities among the students from the schools.
5. Tasks for each country.

As for the dictionary, some tools came around, which are ‘gloster’ and
‘papunet’. Portugal tasks will be coordinated by Spain. Italy will send us
the links to google questionaires, either for teachers and students, to
evaluate the whole visit.
6. Dates for next visits. Finland, Denmark, Italy.
We agreed for the next visit, which will take place in Finland. The dates
will be from 15th up to 19th of May. We also have two posible dates for
the visit to Denmark: either from 2nd up to 6th or from 9th to 13th of
7. Finland Visit.

What you can read above is taken directly from the official Project. We
have made some changes, so this is what we agreed.
Before the visit:
Students will make research concerning the following topics:
accomodation, how to find a job, how to cope with a new language,
medical services, school and social services. We have created in our
DRIVE→visit to Finland→mobile app stuff→administrative management,
a section for each country and each of these topics. Once the students
have made the research, you can upload the information. Spain will try
and start ASAP so you can see a model. After the research and the
uploading of the information, students will prepare a brief and explicit
Power Point (or other) showing what they have learnt in those sections
above. This will be one the activities shown in Finland, and students will
explain in English everything about it. This information will be used for
the mobile app.
Also, the students will prepare ONE video introducing themselves and
the school/town (no more tan 2-3 minutes). Coordinators will upload it to
the Drive in its section.
In our mobile app there is a CULTURAL HERITAGE section. This has
to be prepared in the schools by all the students participating in the
Project. Each country will select 6 important/worthy places to visit in our
towns, accompanied by a picture and brief explanation in English and our
mother language. It will be uploaded into our Drive, in the section
CULTURAL HERITAGE. Spain will use this information for the mobile
app. This can be done until the end of May.
In the visit:
Finland will prepare the activities as organized (coordinators may make
some changes). One of the activities is a Kahoot. So Finns teachers
might need some help or information from us in order to prepare that
8. Mobile Application and Web page.
It will have two sections:
- cultural heritage: 6 places for each country and a cultural quizz.
- administrative management: 6 sections
(school, medical services, social services, accomodation, jobs,
Spain will be in charge of creating it.
9. Difussion of visits. Staff Meeting, workshops, social networks.
Coordinators in each country will try and make the difussion of the visit to
Spain. This part is very important for our National Agencies and also for
the final report.
10. Evaluation of the visit.
Italy will create the questionnaires and they will be sent to the
coordinators as son as they are ready (by the end of January
questionnaires may be done by students and teachers, and Italian
coordinator will make a summary. After that, she will send it to the
coordinador, Marian)
11. Q&A Session. Suggestions.
Coordinators of each school will be in charge of filling the Mobility Tool
after each visit.