Immigrant, foreign and refugee services (SIER) is a free and local service that is expert in advising and supporting matters of immigration and asylum. It offers the following personalized and confidential services:
Immigrant, foreign and refugee services (SIER) is a free and local service that is expert in advising and supporting matters of immigration and asylum. It offers the following personalized and confidential services:
EDUCATION: When refugee children or adolescents come, they are helped by giving them school materials and scholarships so that they can complete their studies. This means a basic education that will allow them to progress in the future and help them improve their personal situation and their families´too. In Spain, primary and secondary education are free and compulsory. Pre-school is not compulsory, but since it is also free, all children go to kindergarten.
HEALTH They have a universal health care. But first, they have to do some paperwork. In case of emergencies or if they need medication, they can be helped by social emergencies of Social Welfare, town hall or Red Cross.
Only the local charities can request a translator. There is a place in Albacete (city near Iniesta) where they translate their documents. Sometimes, there are courses to learn the language. Also, they are given a quick guide with the most popular expressions in Spanish to start a living.
They need to register in the townhall. The charities train the refugees with especific courses. When they have the formation, they start to work. They can legalize their situation after two years of permanent job. Children under 16 must go to school, so they need to register and attend classes.
In Iniesta, we have a Cáritas hostel, which depends on the Catholic church. They can stay there for some time. After that, they are sent to ACCEM. In our town, there are not especific resources. Only we help with procedures.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. All these publications reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.