Day 2 The music room of the Finnish school is the perfect place to record the project hymn. The hymn was composed and written by the Spanish students. In this visit to Finland, all the students have sung their corresponding chorus in their own language and one of them in english while the Spanish students have sung all the lyrics in Spanish. The result of that season is a wonderful song that talks about the topic of the project. in a few days it will be possible to watch a video of the recording season.

Day 2 The key activity of all the visits. Time before all the visits, students of the four countries work in several tasks in order to gather information about the topic of each visit. The information is useful to talk to the other project members the situation and the resources about the topic in their own country. The topic of the Finnish visit is: New place to live! The students visited local associations that help refugees and immigrants, medical centers, town hall… so that they could know the opportunities that immigrants have when they arrive to their towns/cities.

Day 2 It has been an amazing morning! Thanks to the Finninsh students, students and teachers of the other countries have known not only the school building, that is really amazing in its size, technology, resources…, but also the Finnish methodology that is different from the country members. The Finnish students guided each group throughout the school, showing the classes, the gym, the library, the music room, the dining room and the staff room.